
In Belgium Sadaawi learned that Al Azhar University, Sunni Islam's premier institution, is filing suit against her for the play "God Resigns at the Summit Meeting" on the grounds that it insults Islam.
Algeria has a law designed to defend women from being made homeless by divorce; a prospect heightened by a severe housing shortage. Advocates, however, say the law is not enforced and women are still winding up in the streets.
A teenage Saudi gang-rape victim who was sentenced to 90 lashes for being alone with a man she was not related to has beseeched King Abdullah, the country's monarch, to intervene in the controversial case.
Delegates deplore religious prejudice - Call for a united response across the whole community against discrimination and to promote human rights.
9/3/2007's short video debunks the rhetoric of a 'Clash of Civilizations', stating the problem "isn’t culture, it’s politics...This clash is not inevitable and we don't want it."
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Kurdish Women's Rights Watch (KWRW) has launched its website:
As the world marked Women's Day on March 8th, the feminist community in Tanzania observed the event in deep activism and militancy: a new generation of activists with feminist values is being developed in the first ever Feminist Activist Institute.
The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) has been informed by the Sudan Organisation Against Torture (SOAT) of the recent sentencing to death by stoning of two women by the criminal court of Al-Azazi, Managil province, Gazeera state.
MADRE has released a groundbreaking report on the incidence, causes, and legalization of gender-based violence in Iraq since the US-led invasion.
"One of the most profitable sources of wealth for imperialist powers is war. Currently, most of the world population is either living under the condition of war in Asia, Africa and the Middle East or in a 'state of war,' as in Iran, Europe and N. America"