
Mahboubeh Hossein Zadeh and Nahid Keshavarz, two members of the One Million Signatures Campaign, were arrested on Monday April 2nd while collecting signatures in support of a petition to change discriminatory laws against women in Iran.
Pro-Taliban clerics and their followers at a mosque in the Pakistani capital on Thursday released three woman they had held for days after accusing them of running a brothel.
New lemon-yellow motorised rickshaws for women, bearing the slogan 'Be Pious', are vying for pole position in Nigeria's Muslim-dominated north.
A synopsis of the Campaign to end discriminatory laws in Iran, by front-line activist and journalist, Noushin Ahmadi Khorasani.
"Unlike non-religious Jews (who form a majority in Israel and elsewhere) or non-observant Christians, cultural Muslims aren't acknowledged by their own religion and are barely recognized by Western governments."
Yemen has scored enormous success in reducing its maternal mortality rates and increasing the use of contraception. Advocates turned to the interpretations and assistance from religious leaders to get out the family planning message.
Senegal makes progress against female genital excision, but the practice, also called mutilation, is still common in Africa and parts of Asia.
The debate over polygamy was reopened in Kyrgyzstan with supporters including the nation's Justice Minister. Nonetheless, the decriminalization of polygamy has been rejected.
Acid attacks are almost unheard of in Ethiopia although the tactic has been used against women in other countries. Although Kamilat was attacked in January, she and her family are now public with their story in order to raise support and awareness.
In an apparent anti-vice crackdown, Islamist students took the law into their own hands and abducted an alleged brothel owner along with her daughter, daughter-in-law and infant granddaughter.