
The Bahrain Women's Union, a loose association of 12 women's organisations, has pledged to reinvigorate a dormant plan to promulgate a family status law in the kingdom.
Italy’s interior ministry has published a “values charter” for religious minorities that promotes integration while shunning polygamy and the wearing of face-concealing veils.
The Arab Women's Solidarity Association - Belgium has created a trilingual online petition in protest of the threats faced by writer Nawal El Saadawi by non-state actors and express support for the freedom of expression and creativity in all contexts.
At a recent forum looking at the role of Saudi women in the year 2020, the discussions were candid, the potential was exciting and the reality often disturbing.
At a meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York (February–March, 2007), 155 women’s NGOs submitted an open letter to the UN Member States and the UN Secretary General, welcoming the strong impetus for a specific women’s entity in the UN.
Rights activists, feminists, and concerned citizens demonstrated in four Pakistani cities yesterday, denouncing the recent examples of a 'Talibanization' of the country.
Leyla Pervizat is a Turkish feminist researcher and activist who played a pivotal role in lobbying for the UN resolution on elimination of crimes against women and girls committed in the name of honour. An interview by Soheila Vahdati.
Activists Mahboubeh Hossein Zadeh and Nahid Keshavarz have been released from Evin prison on 15 April, after 13 days of incarceration.
Farzana Hassan and Tarek Fateh discuss how the hijab is used in Canada and around the world as a tool to further political agendas.