
"Tomislav Nikolić’s threat to declare a state of emergency on his first day as Speaker of the Serbian National Assembly indicates a serious slide towards totalitarianism in Serbia."
Somali security forces are seizing and even burning Muslim women's veils to stop Islamist insurgents from disguising themselves for attacks, authorities and witnesses said on Wednesday.
Face veils and jilbabs may now be prohibited as a violation of school uniform policies.
A participant's account of a gender workshop, hosted by the Muslim Youth Movement Cape Town in association with Positive Muslims on 24 February, 2007 at the Saartjie Baartman Centre on the Cape Flats.
In 2003, Mohammed founded the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI), which shelters Iraqi women targeted in 'honor' killings and sectarian violence and speaks out for women’s legal rights and secular law in opposition to Iraq’s growing Islamism.
Video released on the internet; sign the petition condemning her brutal murder.
Sitting in a café near the Champs Elysees, the 26-year-old French-born woman of Algerian descent looks like any other Parisian. But two months ago, she did something none of her friends have done.
National newspaper's editorial considers the imposition of the veil and responding to fundamentalisms.