
Thursday was Mother's Day in Afghanistan, and from house to house went the call for women to gather in what some say is the first such public prayer event by women in Kandahar.
The American University in Cairo revoked the privileges of a women wearing the niqab; an Egyptian court overturned the ruling.
"Only girls with bad character go to college."
A temporary marriage, or "sigheh," refers to a Shiite Muslim tradition under which a man and a woman sign a contract that allows them to be "married" for any length of time, even a few hours.
Michael Slackman assesses the status of Algerian women.
Tuesday 26th June 2007 from 1:00-4:00 PM at the Morden Assembly Hall, in Morden, Surrey (UK)
Jahangir's report states that a large number of the violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief are committed by non-state actors, whether members of religious groups themselves or others.
"When each and every person's unqualified opinion is considered a fatwa we lose a tool that is of the utmost importance for reigning in extremism and preserving the flexibility and balance of Islamic law."
Are you an emerging activist, researcher or networker? Tell us what you're doing! The deadline is 3 July, 2007.
Father and uncle found guilty in criminal court for the murder of 20-year-old Banaz Mahmod Babakir Agha.