
The stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and her partner is scheduled to be carried out in public in the city of Takistan, Ghazvin, at 9:00 am on Thursday, June 21, for committing adultery and having a child out of wedlock.
Male and female activists from throughout Serbia participated in the Women in Black “Women, Peace, and Activism’ seminar held May 18-20, 2007 in Totovo Selo in Vojvodina.
A British branch of a new Europe-wide phenomenon is to be launched on Thursday 21 June in London.
A group of Japanese MPs have placed a full-page advertisement in The Washington Post that denies Japan's military forced up to 200,000 women into sexual slavery during World War II.
Approximately 50 per cent of the nation’s population is female. Then why after six sessions of Majlis elections, we still have only two females representing Omani women in the Majlis?
"If you are a female teacher in the NWFP, there is a sense of danger. Often, militants have found the easiest way to close schools is by targeting teachers."
The committee agreed to amend the federal law on judicial authority in order to remove gender specification, which specified ‘males only’ for such positions.