
Suad Fathalla, the victim of a harassment campaign since speaking on Al Hurra television about the experience of ending her abusive marriage, has lost custody of her three young children and the right to remain in the apartment they currently share.
"Registering customary marriages provides women with the legal right to own property and other rights in marriage, making this a great step forward for rural women in particular."
Five years ago Khadija's mother sent her 8-year old daughter to work as a housemaid in the city, where her first employer beat her.
President Nicolas Sarkozy's new government lineup gives a fresh nod to France's ethnic diversity, with a Muslim feminist and a young woman of Senegalese origin taking junior minister posts.
Last night, some 500 people congregated at Dataran Merdeka to hold a candlelight vigil to protest the continued detention of M Revathi at an Islamic rehabilitation centre.
The stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and the father of her 11 year old "illegitimate" child was stayed by the written order of the Head of Judiciary in Tehran addressed to the head of the judiciary branch in Takistan.
The Middle East Centre for Women's Rights is a registered UK charity which aims to expose and eliminate all forms of violations of women’s rights within the Middle Eastern communities in the UK and in Middle Eastern countries.