
Jafar Kiani was stoned to death in Iran on 5 July...this could soon happen to his partner, Mokarrameh Ebrahimi, unless action is taken now.
The Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice is an international women’s human rights organization advocating for gender-inclusive justice and working towards an effective and independent International Criminal Court (ICC).
Archbishop Akinola of Nigeria, the world's most powerful Anglican leader, tells Religion Correspondent Ruth Gledhill that his conservatism is the true faith and that evangelism can combat Islamic terrorism.
The group drafting Thailand's new constitution voted Friday against a proposal to include a clause designating Buddhism as the national religion.
Activists should not try to change Islamic laws relating to women's rights, Iran's supreme leader said on Wednesday, two days after one campaigner was reportedly sentenced to 34 months in jail and ten lashes.
Saudi authorities have ordered banks to separate female and male workers at their headquarters in a new setback for women's rights in the conservative kingdom.
Twelve people were killed and around 150 injured in a daylong shootout between madrassa students and Rangers near Lal Masjid on Tuesday.