
The Egyptian director, Tahani Rashed, has highlighted through her documentary film "These Girls" the problem of street girls. The film has been awarded a prize at Cannes. Nelly Youssef conducts the following interview with the director.
"Just a week ago the Spokesperson for the Iranian Judiciary announced that in the next few days 20 criminals will be hanged in Tehran on a variety of charges, including rape and sodomy."
"Muslim scholars should speak out to enlighten the faithful about the true teachings of Islam and promote Islamic principles of peace, tolerance and moderation in order to allow Muslims to coexist peacefully with the rest of the world."
The report finds that Iraqi women are now facing new fundamentalist values that did not exist in their country before.
The Middle East Centre for Women’s Rights (MECWR) is looking for volunteer fundraisers who are passionate about the work we do in our organisation.
The Internal Security Ministry has confirmed that they have given a directive to all mainstream media not to publish any news on the issue of Malaysia being an Islamic state.
Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama criticized recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions as hypocritical and inconsistent on Tuesday, saying a ruling upholding a late-term abortion ban was part of a concerted effort to roll back women's rights.
The theme of the Institute is Human Rights, Human Security and Participation: Documenting Women's Experiences in Situations of Armed Conflict. The first phase of the Institute will take place in the last two weeks of October 2007 in Liberia, West Africa.
"Imitating the costume, architecture, and eating practices of Arab Muslims has become an important way for local Hui to show their authenticity as Muslims."
From the 'Your Mouth Against Fundamentalisms' campaigners, now watch the clip 'Turning the World Upside Down is Possible' / 'El mundo al revés es posible', by Articulacion Feminista Marcosur (AFM) on YouTube.