
Though Qatari nationals account for only around 12 per cent of the total labour force, more Qatari women are working outside the home.
Anti-war activist Debra McNutt argues, "It is our responsibility as Americans to stop our military's abuses of women, by ending the occupation."
"We declare that the rights of the child should take precedence over any national, racial, economic, political, ideological, and religious consideration or interest..."
An Islamist women's separatist group in Jammu and Kashmir said yesterday it would begin training Muslim women in martial arts and called on women to carry daggers to fend off sexual attacks by soldiers.
These principles guide the interpretation and implementation of the guarantees of non-discrimination and equal exercise and enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, found in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Muslim women, who will meet in Malaysia later this year, are pursuing a 10-year plan for advancing women's worldwide leadership within Islam.
Women in the western city of Herat are flocking to literacy classes, which are transforming their lives.
"Human Rights Watch holds that internet empowers people in the exercise of their right “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas regardless of frontiers” and in the Arab region...the increase of users is one of the strongest in the world."
Bermet Akayeva warns against an increasingly Islamist state and the erosion of secularism.
"Out of 200,000 women that were exploited as comfort women by the Japanese Imperial Army, only a few hundred are still alive. This resolution calls on the government of Japan to accept responsibility for the coercion of young