
Women in Nepal’s minority Muslim community are increasingly contesting through the courts the divorce settlements imposed on them by their husbands. The women say they are the victims of an abuse of Islamic law by their husbands.
"Liberalism can only flourish when socio-politics becomes free of top-down constraints. Let the society breathe naturally and both politics and culture will become more normal."
An appeal against forced marriage acquittals at the Special Court for Sierra Leone might have bearing on prosecutions at the International Criminal Court.
Adultery is a capital offense in the Islamic Republic of Iran and punishable by flogging, hanging, and stoning. The following is a translation of the articles of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran that pertain to the legal punishments for adultery.
This initiative, builds on the work of AWID's "Challenging Fundamentalisms" website project which was a joint project with Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) and Rights and Democracy.
In July 2007, Pratibha Patil was elected India's first woman president.
The definition of "victim" has also been expanded so that men can also file rape charges against a woman or another man, a move applauded as a breakthrough by gay rights activists.