
Although voted against by Canada and the US, a resolution was adopted calling for continued international assistance to Palestinian women and their families.
"Women, Feminism and Fundamentalism", edited by Ireen Dubel and Karen Vintges (HIVOS: 2007)
We are proud pleased to announce congratulate that Global Fund grantee, Pinar Illkkaracan, co-founder of Women for Women's Human Rights in Turkey is for winning the 2007 recipient of the Gruber Women's Rights Prize.
Human rights groups call on new mayor to revoke the ban.
Promising to fight the practice of FGM should be a winning strategy for someone hoping to be elected to parliament this Saturday in Sierra Leone -- where about 90 percent of girls and women undergo FGM, according to rights watchdog Amnesty International.
UNICEF congratulated the government of Madagascar on two new laws to reinforce child protection, including increasing the legal age of marriage to eighteen years.
Rape has been a tool of war in Liberia, but revised penalties may turn the tide.
The film festival was held in May 2007 to "create a written and oral history of women in the cinema industry" with the intention of maintaining and improving relations between Turkish and foreign women film makers by bringing them together.
Call for applications: Nonviolence Education and Training (NVET)
Many Ugandans, especially from western, northern and eastern Uganda, take pride in bride price. However, the people of Tororo district, through Mifumi Project, recently filed a petition in the Constitutional Court seeking to abolish it.