
Turkey is preparing to publish a document that represents a revolutionary reinterpretation of Islam - and a controversial and radical modernisation of the religion.
Within 10 days, two separate incidents of rape have been reported. One victim was a 14-year-old girl, the other a Filipino woman attacked in a hotel.
The film "Football Under Cover" turned out to be the surprise tip of this year's Berlin Film Festival. It tells the story behind the meeting between a multicultural women's soccer club from Berlin and the Iranian national women's team.
"According to the Buddhist Leadership Initiative, almost 30 percent of monks in China, Cambodia and Laos have received training on HIV & AIDS."
Professor and historian Margot Badran laments the recent closing down of Zanan, the Iranian Journal for Women.
Turkish Muslim women who wear headscarves will have access to Turkish [state] universities after parliamentarians voted to overturn a decade-long ban last week.
Parvez Sharma spent six years traveling throughout the Muslim world, Europe and North America documenting the lives of gay and lesbian Muslims – many of them devout – who struggle to reconcile their faith with their sexuality.
Newspapers report a father stoned his daughter to death in Zahedan, Iran.
"Falih later retracted her confession in court, claiming it was extracted under duress, and said that as an illiterate woman, she did not understand the document she was forced to fingerprint."
Mona Eltahawy asks, "What's wrong with the British legal system that religious groups are allowed to create parallel systems to it?"