
An eight-year-old girl decided last week to go the Sana’a West Court to prosecute her father, who forced her to marry a 30-year-old man.
Dual murders reported as a stoning may have actually been a shooting. Yet the fact remains that another two people have been murdered in the name of their community's 'honour'.
A statement from the Italian chapter of Women in Black (WiB) on the recent sentencing of Leyla Zana to 2 years in prison.
Hundreds of civil society activists in Iran have signed an open letter calling for the release of women's rights defender Khadijeh Moghaddam.
"Few athletes will have overcome the obstacles 21-year-old Abdul-Razzaq has faced to reach the Beijing Olympics, from a sniper's bullets to a paucity of adequate training facilities and religious and cultural opposition to female athletes."
On 9 April, 2008 Congress finally approved the law on violence against women, meant to stop the killing and abuse of women and better prosecute the perpetrators.
Arabic-speaking women in south-west Sydney, Australia can now find it easier to seek help in escaping from an abusive situation at home.
Ali Noer Zaman argues that the impact of an innovative approach to Islamic studies has resulted in "a fresh reading of some Islamic treatises, which are not regarded as being fixed, or unalterable, in the way that the Qur'an is".
"A day in February 2006 is imprinted as vividly on Renu's mind as her body. In the quiet, narrow lane outside her east Delhi home, she had been bathing the family buffaloes when her father's tenant, a mug in hand, came towards her.
Coordinated by the Democratic Association of Moroccan Women (ADFM), the Coalition "Equality Without Reservation" includes over 600 Arab organizations and calls for the removal of all reservations to CEDAW and the ratification of the Optional Protocol.