
Malaysian women face travel curbs without letter from parents or employers.
Mrs. Mutabar Tadjibaeva from Uzbekistan was arrested after having criticized the government’s handling of the massacre in Andijan, three years ago in May 2005. She has been awarded this human rights defenders prize in absentia.
The government in Nagorny Karabakh is giving incentives to encourage couples to get married and have children.
"Some say it's a sanctuary for business women. Others see it as another sign of gender segregation in a male-dominated society."
The Mauritanian government says it is trying to increase prosecutions of rape cases but poorly trained judges working with murky, outdated legal texts make for slow progress.
The Islamic Jihad Union, an offshoot of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, advocates the systematic internationalisation of "Holy War" and has aligned itself with the Taliban in Afghanistan and al-Qaida at international level.
The Penang Syariah High Court has allowed a Muslim convert to return to her original faith of Buddhism, setting a precedent that could ease religious minorities' worries about their legal rights.
"the time has come when we must begin to look at the philosophical roots of fundamentalism in Muslim societies."
An Algerian women's association has announced the launch of a radio station for women, an innovation in Algeria and in the Arab world.
Affected by the murder of Italian artist Pippa Bucca, 21 Turkish women are taking part in a 296-km bike ride from Beirut to Palestine this May, and dedicate their ride to her and peace.