
The UN Security Council has voted unanimously in favour of a resolution classifying rape as a weapon of war.
The shares of the first Islamic holding company established and directed by women and intended to serve women in the country will soon hit the Kuwait market.
On Tuesday local Taliban pasted leaflets at mosques in Bilitang town, 22 km east of Kohat city in Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province, warning women and schoolgirls to wear the burqa and not to venture out of their houses without a male family member.
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and Christian and Muslim groups will share in $2 million in grants from the Australian government.
On April 30, 2008 the Court of Appeal in Salé acquitted a man who raped a married, pregnant woman, who is the mother of two children.
The Egyptian authorities have banned a 92-year-old man from marrying a 17-year-old girl, the Egyptian al-Akhbar newspaper has reported.
The Palestinian Centre for Human (PCHR) condemns in the strongest possible terms the murder of a woman in Rafah on Tuesday 3 June, allegedly to maintain “the honor” of her family.
Vani is a forced marriage custom in the tribal areas and province of Punjab, in Pakistan. This custom is tied to blood feuds among the different tribes and clans where the girls are forcibly married to the members of different clans to resolve feuds.
“During wartime, it’s often more dangerous to be a woman than to be a soldier.”
""Islamic" paramilitary groups claim constantly that they are the true defenders of Islam, saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is great) while at the same time lashing women with bamboo."