
Mehboba Ahdyar was to be the poster-child for the Olympics but the 19-year-old Afghan runner ran away from an Italian training camp last week. She has since told her parents she is too scared of reprisals and plans to seek asylum in Europe.
The One Million Signatures Campaign has reported several actions against Iranian women’s rights activists during the past week, including the arrest of one women's rights defender, indicating increased pressure against the women’s rights movement.
A French court has denied citizenship to a Muslim woman from Morocco, ruling that her practice of "radical" Islam is not compatible with French values.
In June 2006 human and women's rights organisations from throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region came to together in Rabat, Morocco to launch the “Rabat Appeal for the Regional Campaign Equality without Reservation.”
Georgia authorities are holding a man of Pakistani descent in the strangulation death of his 25-year-old daughter.
An interview with Shia cleric, Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari.
The Church of England's decision to remove the legal blocks stopping women being ordained as bishops is a move welcomed by many, but critics argue this could threaten the future existence of the Anglican Church.
A zambian court reaches a landmark decision in teacher rape case, ruling in favour of the girl who was awarded K45 million ($14,000).
According to the information received, on June 18, 2008, Ms. Hana Abdi was sentenced to a prison term of five years on charges of “gathering and collusion to threaten national security”, for her peacful defence of human rights.
Iraqi Women Movement Round table discussion with Representatives of the International Diplomatic missions in Baghdad, Monday June 23rd, 2008.