
Islamic MPs are obliging Education Minister Nouriya Al-Sabeeh and Housing Minister Moudhi Al-Homoud to wear hijabs during parliamentary sessions in implementation of Islamic rules and regulations.
"A Shia woman solemnizing marriage of a Sunni couple. If that was not enough, the nikah that made Lucknow sit up in disbelief, was to have only women as witnesses."
The Saudi Human Rights Commission (HRC) has called on government agencies to take necessary steps to end the practice of child marriages by adopting a clear and unambiguous position on such weddings.
The articles in the new issue of the Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, cover the theme of "The Transnational Muslim World, Human Rights, and the Rights of Women and Sexual Minorities."
On March 28, the very first doctor in India was sentenced to two years in prison for violating the Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act. In the 11 years since the Act was enacted, why have lawbreakers got away?
The Africa Democracy Forum (ADF), a World Movement regional network of over 450 democracy and human rights organization throughout Africa, has issued a statement (below) condemning the coup d'etat in Mauritania.
Although polygamy is banned in the Netherlands, the marriages of Muslims who have several wives are recognised by Dutch authorities.
In this essay, Rochelle Terman considers the role of Muslim women in sports on the global scene, especially in light of the current Olympic Games.
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a remote area of Balochistan province, that five women were buried alive.
The Muslim Institute, Britain’s foremost Muslim think-tank, is to launch a new standard marriage contract (nikah) for British Muslims wishing to marry under Muslim law. To download the marriage contract please see attachment.