
Iran's biggest motor manufacturer is to take the country's gender sensitivity to new levels by producing a car specially for women.
Wearing headscarves and reciting the Koran, students at an Indonesian Islamic school look like ordinary women practicing their faith in the holy month of Ramadan, but they are actually transvestites.
Download the alternative reports submitted by civil society members.
More than 35 young women wearing tight trousers have been arrested for "disturbing the peace" in south Sudan, police said on Tuesday.
This paper focuses on the experiences of those women and girls forcibly married within the Lords Resistence Army (LRA) in Uganda, and their attempts to reintegrate in civilian life after captivity.
According to information received from the city of Sanandaj, women activists of the One Million Signatures Campaign Ronak Safarzadeh, Hana Abdi, and Fatemeh Goftari, have lost three weeks of visiting rights and transferred to solitary confinement.
"According to the German constitution, Muslims do have a right to religious education for their children under the supervision of the state, just as Christians do. Now, for the first time, German schools will have a textbook for Islamic religion classes."
“At a tiny courtyard mosque in China's most populous Muslim region, Jin Meihua leads other women in prayer and chants."
In France, which has only four Muslim schools, some of the country’s 8,847 Roman Catholic schools have become an alternative for Muslim students who wish to wear headscarves and incorporate spirituality into their studies.
Three years ago, Kim Sengupta interviewed five women who wanted to build a new Afghanistan. Today, three are dead and a fourth has fled.