
A controversial new Tunisian movie calls attention to how Islamic law determines the distribution of inheritances between male and female heirs.
Research findings of the "Bridging the Gap" survey in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.
On 29 September, a court in Biskra sentenced 6 men to 4 years in prison and a 1000 euro fine, for eating in public during the fasting hours of Ramadan. The verdict has since been overturned and the prisoners are freed.
"Women who have married men of other provinces enjoy equal rights as a villager in their hometown as long as they continue abiding by the obligations of the village's collective economy."
The Iranian regime has stepped up its campaign against human rights defender and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi.
"Being an Egyptian woman is to accept sexual harassment as daily routine, according to a recent report from the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights (ECWR). The study outlines, 60% of Egyptian women and 98% of foreign women are harassed on a daily basis."
Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights - Right to Privacy Program - Press Release - 12 October 2008
Women's rights defender Malalai Joya has won the "Anna Politkovskaya" award for courage.
35 Christians killed and 50,000 forced from their homes by Hindu mobs enraged at Swami's murder.
For the first time, 6 people in Southern Algeria have been sentenced to four years in jail and a $1300 fine for breaking the Ramadan fast.