
"The National Fatwa Council has ruled that tomboyism, where a girl behaves or dresses in a boyish manner, is forbidden in Islam."
According to Algerian Newspaper El Watan, last September a young women aged 26 was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Biskra, southern Algeria, where she is already detained for previous offence. She is accused of having damaged a Quran.
"Iranian intelligence agents detained Esha Momeni, an activist in the One Million Signature Campaign and a graduate student doing research for her thesis on the Iranian women's movement, on 15 October 2008."
Direct link to Noushin Ahmadi Khorasani’s interview with Mahnaz Afkhami, the second woman minister in Iran.
"Born in 1952 to a Methodist father and a mother of Muslim heritage in Maryland, Ms Wadud, who has written books on the Koran and memorised most of it, first delivered a Friday sermon in Cape Town, South Africa, in August 1994."
Some 15,000 Palestinians who married Israeli citizens in the past decade are illegal or temporary residents. Their lives and those of their families have become "unstable," according to non-governmental organisations.
"Pro-Taliban militants have burnt shops and girls' schools, which they claim are spreading 'vulgarity'."
"Women in the rural region of Deir al-Zur in northeastern Syria are being deprived of their rights to inherit property because local communities apply traditional custom and practice rather than national laws."
After 23-years at the helm of Reporters sans Frontières (Reporters without Borders), Robert Ménard (55) is moving to Qatar, where he will be heading the Doha Centre for Media Freedom (DCMF).