
The National Fatwa Council will soon announce its stand on Muslims practising yoga, Department of Islamic Development Malaysia said.
Samia S., accused of having damaged a Quran and sentenced last September to 10 years imprisonment, was acquitted on 28 October 2008 by the judge of the criminal division of the Court of Biskra.
Somali Islamists have stoned to death a woman accused of adultery, witnesses said, the first such public killing by the militants for about two years.
Article by Luisa Morgantini, originally published in the "Il Manifesto" Newspaper.
"A West African regional court of justice convicted the state of Niger on Monday for failing to protect a 12-year-old girl from being sold into slavery in a case anti-slavery campaigners hope will set a precedent."
Riot police in Harare, on the morning of Monday 27 October, descended on hundreds of women who were peacefully protesting over the delayed conclusion of the peace talks between Zimbabwe’s three major political parties.
""In spite of considerable achievements, violence against women persists in every country as a pervasive and universal violation of human rights and a major impediment to achieving gender equality." --Yakin Erturk.
Turkey's Constitutional Court defended its decision opposing Islamic headscarves at the country's universities.
"The Special Rapporteur added that violations are perpetrated not just by individuals or groups but also by States themselves. "
"Surfacing..." is a compilation of papers that came out of the ARROW symposium on the theme at the 4th APCRSH in Hyderabad last year.