
The Kuala Lumpur Criminal High Court has acquitted human rights defender Ms. Irene Fernandez, following 13 years of judicial battle.
Activists and concerned citizens across Indonesia are denouncing a new Anti-Pornography law passed in October 2008, which they feel will endanger Indonesian unity as well as women's rights and sexual rights.
"EXACTLY one month ago, the National Fatwa Council made a decision against women who dressed like men, denouncing it as haram. This has been met with anger, protest, and mainly, confusion, as to what exactly it is that the fatwa condemns."
Afghan authorities have arrested 10 Taliban insurgents who threw acid in the faces of schoolgirls in southern Afghanistan, an official said on Tuesday.
"We have come a long way in terms of international legal frameworks, but some states still have a long way to go in translating them into judicial systems and peace negotiations that work." - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay
"And how do the authorities define manly behaviour? Not gentle and demure enough? Talking too loudly? Who would and how could one define and determine whether a woman is a tomboy or a lesbian?"
A Muslim woman on Thursday became the first ever female allowed to conduct marriages in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates and throughout the conservative Gulf, the official WAM news agency reported.
Pakistan's top Islamic advisory body has urged the government to amend divorce laws to give more say to women, triggering a controversy with religious hardliners vowing to resist the move.
Based on an expert group meeting held in Vienna, Austria, from 26 to 28 May 2008, the report provides guidelines and a model framework for legislation on violence against women, including detailed recommendations, commentaries & examples of good practices
Linking the hijab controversy to fears of Muslim extremism may be counter-productive. “We face a difficult choice – take the headscarf off or give up on school,” said Sahiba Yusupova.