
The Shoura Council yesterday rejected a recommendation to simplify regulations governing Saudis marrying non-Saudis.
Who says Saudi girls can’t rock? Four of them recently struck hammer to the anvil to forge The Accolade, an all-girl rock band. The band’s name comes from an Edmund Leighton painting of a princess knitting herself a warrior.
Hundreds of divorced Muslim women demand the same rights as men during two days of protest against ‘talak’. Islamic divorce allows husbands to repudiate their wives, throw them out of the house without any support.
"Conditions, Not Conflict: Promoting Women's Human Rights in the Maghreb through Strategic Use of the Marriage Contract"
Press release: human rights defenders ask the High Court to explain why a university teacher was exonerated of sexual harassment.
The following Joint Statement was released to the press simultaneously in Pakistan and India on November 30 2008.
At least 200 people have been killed in the Nigerian town of Jos after two days of violence, officials say.
The UN Committee Against Torture issues recommendations addressing the economic, social and cultural root causes of violence in Kenya as well as specific forms of torture and ill-treatment against women and children.
A series of reforms in Egypt has reduced barriers to young people entering the rental housing market...This has led to a reversal in delayed marriage among young men, beginning with those born after 1972.
Job Advertisement: Programme Coordinator: "Women reclaiming and re-defining cultures: Asserting rights over body, self, and public space"