
According to a report by Radio France International, Persian Service the One Million Signatures Campaign has been awarded the Simone de Beauvoir Award which was established in honor and memory of this Feminist theorist and writer.
A summary of issues discussed at a consultation between Yakin Ertürk , Margaret Sekaggya and representatives of women’s rights organisations, that was held in Nairobi in early December, 2008.
The Hijabi Monologues resonates through the power of storytelling, by Sahar Ullah.
A new organisation to regulate foreign marriages has been created following the lifting of a six-month suspension of such unions in November, officials say.
Acid attacks against women and girls are continuing despite legal campaigns to halt their spread.
Nearly 200 women from 40 women’s organizations staged a demonstration in front of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) building in Erbil calling to amend a Personal Status Law article allowing polygamy.
"He said we must take our daughters out of all schools - private or public - by 15 January 2009 at the latest. Failing this, he said the schools will be bombed and violators would face death..."
"Security Without Empire: National Organizing Conference on Foreign Military Bases"; American University, Washington, DC; Feb. 27-Mar. 2, 2009
Saudi Arabia's grand mufti has objected to women working in lingerie shops, despite the labour ministry's approval and rising complaints from female customers about male-only staff, papers said.
"The Mumbai attacks have been dubbed 'India's 9/11', and there are calls for a 9/11-style response, including an attack on Pakistan. Instead, the country must fight terrorism with justice, or face civil war."