
Most of the 1,300 students – some with permanent scars on their cheeks and damaged vision – have returned to school full time.
New Law Supports Equal Pay, But Contraceptives Financing Dropped From Economic Stimulus.
The humanitarian crisis in northern Sri Lanka has been highlighted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, UN Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Sir John Holmes, as well as by UN agencies in Sri Lanka.
Imams in Saudi Arabia have issued opinions demanding that Muslims in Europe hold themselves apart from 'a faithless world'. Frequently, imams in Germany speak little or no German, and are not acquainted with the country's social and cultural norms.
In Basra in 2008 a reported 133 women were killed for not 'being Islamic' enough.
Early marriage and lack of access to medical intervention until complications become severe are two factors that have hampered improvement in the situation.
President Obama has lifted the Global Gag Rule that banned US funding for any international healthcare organizations that perform abortions or advocate for the legalization of abortion.
'On the way to improved legal reality' is the last in a three-part series on women's rights in the Arab world.
Specter of Torture and Ill-Treatment Rises High for Baha’is in Prison.
The Bill singles out one group of people to be deprived of rights that all people enjoy as guaranteed by the 1999 Constitution and international human rights treaties to which Nigeria is a state party.