
Tens of thousands of women have been brutally raped in the Democratic Republic of Congo as part of an ongoing internal conflict.
Mukhtar Mai was gang-raped on the order of a council of elders as punishment for her brother’s alleged affair with a woman of a higher clan.
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Yemen Women Union YWU begins next week carrying out training courses for woman leaderships on engaging in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
Despite the scientific and cultural modernization that has changed the face of Jordan since its creation in 1921, the practice of this custom continues in rural and urban areas alike.
Today’s call for the conference comes at a time of an increasing crackdown by Sudanese authorities on those perceived to support the ICC.
A 2008 US report said Syria is “a destination and transit country for women and children trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labour”.
The government of Haiti is failing to protect the country's girls against rape and sexual violence, Amnesty International said, as it launched a report calling for authorities to recognise the severity of the problem.
Repression like this breeds resistance in Iran and is gaining recognition around the world.
Nujood Ali is just 10 years old and was, until recently, the youngest known divorced person in the world.