

When Roza Isakovna Otunbayeva was selected to be President of Kyrgyzstan, she became the first woman head of state in the predominantly Muslim Central Asian region. And she also took on a mission. Her mission is to pave the way for parliamentary democracy in a country that was formerly a part of the Soviet Union. Her first task was to stabilise the situation arising out of the ethnic clashes in the southern city of Osh, which is her hometown. Her next job will be to conduct free and fair parliamentary elections, and then clear the way for her people to elect a new president. 


Leaders of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) today expressed support for the Serbian government’s recent actions to stand up for basic rights of gay-rights demonstrators. "We applaud and support the Serbian authorities for seeking to protect the fundamental rights of those in the Belgrade gay-rights parade to express their views,” said Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD), Helsinki Commission Chairman. “From the statements of senior Serbian officials condemning the violence instigated by right-wing groups to the efforts of the police to stop it and arrest the perpetrators, the official response has been the correct one." Update on: Serbia: Attack on LGBT activists at the headquarters of Women in Black


 Weak leadership and internal divisions have prevented Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) from exploiting splits among its Islamist insurgent enemies, say analysts. Al-Shabab and Hisbul-Islam insurgents have, in the past two months, intensified attacks against government forces and allied African Union (AU) troops. Clashes in Mogadishu between 1 and 3 October, for example, left at least 50 people dead and 174 wounded, according to local human rights organizations. 


Islamic sharia law allows a man to "discipline" his wife and children provided that he does not leave physical marks, according to a ruling by the supreme court in the United Arab Emirates. The judgment was made in the case of a man who slapped and kicked his daughter and slapped his wife, injuring both slightly. But the federal court in Abu Dhabi, capital of the UAE, also said that their bruises were evidence that the father had abused his legal right. The case reported today by the Abu Dhabi paper The National, is likely to attract attention because of the large number of foreign expatriates living in the Gulf state, where there are occasional prosecutions of westerners as well as nationals for breaching public morality. Non-Muslims, however, will not appear before a sharia court.


Últimas noticias: Han sido puestos en libertad bajo fianzaDeclaración de WLUML sobre el Arresto de las Defensoras de los Derechos de las Mujeres en Gambia, Dra. Isatou Touray y Srta. Amie Bojang-Sissoho. 


BAOBAB for Women’s human Rights calls for the immediate unconditional release on bail of Dr. Isatou Touray and Ms. Amie Bojang-Sissoho, who were both alleged to be involved in fund misappropriation.


According to reliable reports from networkers in the Gambia who have visited Isatou Touray and Amie Bojang-Sissoho, the WLUML network is relieved to learn that they appeared well and in high spirits. Their lawyers have applied to the High Court for bail and the matter is set to be heard today, Friday 15 October at 9:30 am.


As part of the British Government’s drive to cut costs and increase transparency, accountability and efficiency, the role, size and scope of government quangos have formed part of a broad Coalition Government review.


A glance at any day's headlines makes it clear that cultures and religions worldwide are and have always been in constant flux. A day-long Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) symposium on September 21 in Washington DC sparked debate, laughter, and cheers as participants vowed new commitment to steering that change toward broader human rights for women.


WLUML has learned that prominent women’s rights activists, Dr. Isatou Touray and Ms. Amie Bojang-Sissoho of GAMCOTRAP, have been arrested and are currently awaiting trial. Please see the news report below and the Action section of the WLUML website for what you can do. "Principal Magistrate Emmanuel Nkea of the Banjul Magistrates Court yesterday, Tuesday, 12th of October, 2010 ordered that Dr Isatou Touray, the executive director of The Gambia Committee on traditional practices affecting the health of women and children (Gamcotrap) and Amie Bojang-Sissoho, programme coordinator of Gamcotrap be remanded in prison custody until the 20th of October, 2010 pending the completion of police investigation into the alleged offence said to have been committed by the duo.