We have to continue from our different spaces supporting sudanese people until transition is underway. 

In solidarity, 

Ms. Aya Chebbi 


On March 9th, 2018, one day after International Women’s Rights Day, while many of us continued to reflect on our struggles and the road ahead of us, Mr. Songué, a high school philosophy teacher, made a statement pertaining to women on the set of the TV show Jaakarlo. “We should be making formal complaints because you’re doing everything for us to rape you, and when we rape you, we go to prison and you, who have done everything for us to rape you, continue to be free.

Les armes se sont à peine tues après plusieurs années de lutte entre groupes fratricides, que la Sierra Leone est revenue à la une de l’actualité africaine, pour un fait classé divers. En effet, le quotidien sénégalais, Le Soleil, rapportant une dépêche de l’Agence France-Presse, titrait : « Arrêt des excisions pendant le Ramadan » (20 janvier 1977). Quelques semaines plus tôt, la même agence s’était fait l’écho d’un événement survenu dans un camp de réfugiés de Grafton, à une centaine de Km de Freetown, la capitale.

File 3528

With great excitement, humility and awe, we congratulate WLUML networker Dr. Isatou Touray and her organization and our partner, GAMCOTRAP, on the banning of FGM in Gambia!

This submission references Shari’a, international human rights law, and the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia (PFC) to condemn human rights violations in Somalia. Although the Somali Government has implemented measures to foster the protection of human rights, Somalia maintains its highly critical human rights record, which requires greater national and international attention.

 Ferdous Al Toum was sentenced to be flogged 20 lashes and a fine. She has appealed this sentence. Rehab Omer Kakoum was sentenced to a heavy fine and has appealed this. Trials against eight of the 10 female Christian students charged with “indecent dress” have concluded.

The Public Order Police have charged 10 female Christian students with "indecent dress” and subjected them to verbal abuse during their detention. The charge carries the punishment of flogging.

 تهدف ورقة النقاش هذه إلى الكشف عن خبرة النساء السودانيات حول ما يطلق عليه بالعامية السودانية »قانون النظام العام« كما انها من جانب اخر تسعى للكشف عن ان قانون النظام العام فى كل ابعاده ومظاهره ينتقص من القيم األساسية للرجال والنساء وبشكل اوضح وادق للنساء وذلك فيما يحدده من محظورات وفى اليات تنفيذه وفى العقوبات التى ينص عليها، لذلك يعد ذو اثر كبير على حياة العديد من النساء على مستويات حياتهن املختلفة وحتديدا النساء الفقيرات والنساء فى املناطق املهمشة والطالبات في املدارس واجلامعات . 
