Palestine/Israel: Appeal from those under siege in Ramallah

The Palestine Monitor
The Palestine Monitor reports that the Israeli army has now completely invaded Ramallah including the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority, with more than 150 tanks and military armaments.
The Israeli government has announced that it intends to occupy areas of the West Bank that are under the Palestinian Authority, reconstituting a complete military occupation and has made a dclaration of war on the Palestinians. The Israeli army is occupying civilian homes in Ramallah and conducting house to house searches.  A major threat to the population at this stage is the lack of access to health services. Up till this time four Palestinians have been killed and there are reports of at least ten, probably more- injured by Israeli gunfire who are being left untreated as tanks are blocking access of ambulances and medical personnel to the wounded.
Foreign peace activists, including British, French, Swiss, Italian and American delegates, are now in Ramallah. Three hundred more international peace activists were prevented by the Israeli authorities from entering Ramallah yesterday and will try again this morning to access the city from Jerusalem.  The press is invited to attend a demonstration to be held by the peace activists at 8:30a.m. at al-Ram checkpoint.

The Israeli government’s declaration of war on the Palestinians and the complete Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories will only aggravate this crisis, the root cause of which is the longest military occupation in modern history. We urgently call upon the international community to intervene to stop the atrocious actions of the Israeli military and to place the utmost pressure on the Israeli government to allow free movement of medical personnel and ambulances.