UPDATE: Sudan: Lubna Hussein released from jail after fine paid against her will

WLUML Networkers/Alsharq Alawsat
According to reports, the Sudanese Journalists Union paid the fine at the behest of the Sudanese government.
Lubna Hussein then spent the afternoon attending an international press conference in Khartoum.

In a telephone interview with Asharq Al-Awsat following her release from prison, Lubna Hussein revealed that the director of the prison had met with her, and informed her that the Sudanese Journalist Union had paid her fine, and that the presiding judge had ordered her release. She said "Outside, I found a group of journalists who were not allowed to visit [me], however the Journalist Union was allowed to do so."

Lubna attempted to refuse to allow the Sudanese Journalist Union to pay her fine, saying "I thank the Union for its visit, but I do not thank Tetawi for paying my fine because in prison there are women are far more deserving of this than me."

Lubna informed Asharq Al-Awsat that "In prison, there is a woman, who has a two-week old baby, and she is more deserving of having her fine paid [then I am]." Hussein also revealed that she got to know a Christian female prisoner who was a student at one of the Sudanese universities, and who was serving a three month sentence under the public-order laws.

Lubna Hussein also told Asharq Al-Awsat that she wanted to serve the rest of her sentence in order to understand the true story of what takes place inside prison, but that she was released after only spending only one night behind bars.

Lubna Hussein revealed that at 2 AM on her first night in prison, prison officers came to her cell and escorted her to the prison courtyard where they questioned her about an interview that she had given to a satellite television channel from inside prison. They also asked her to hand over the cell phone which she used to conduct this interview. She told Asharq Al-Awsat that "I told them that the cell phone came from your side, and that the interview took place because technology has evolved and this could happen in any place."

Source: Asharq Alawsat