International: Iranian playwright to organize section of workshop in Malaysia

Iranian playwright Naghmeh Samini will be organizing three days of a six-day Muslim women playwrights’ workshop which is to be held from October 17 to 23, 2007 in Kuala Lumpur.
The idea to hold the event was first proposed at the Women Playwrights International Conference in Indonesia last year, Samini told the Persian service of ISNA [Iranian Student's News Agency, ed.].
Playwrights from Iran, Indonesia, and Malaysia will be participating in the first three days of the workshop but the last three days of the event will be exclusively for Malaysians, she added.

“During the first three days, I intend to review ‘The Thousand and One Nights’ and to give lectures on Iranian women playwrights and on tradition and theater in Iran,” she said in conclusion.

21 August 2007