WLUML's fourth Plan of Action meeting

WLUML is holding its fourth Plan of Action meeting in Dakar, Senegal this month. Over 50 networkers from two dozen countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America are attending.
WLUML’s Plans of Action (PoA) form the analytical framework from which we develop our strategies and activities for a number of years.
Our PoA Meetings are the main opportunity for active WLUML networkers to ensure their analytical perspectives determine the network's priorities and activities. The PoA document will be published later this year in English, French and Arabic and available on the WLUML website. We hope a wide range of networkers, allies and others will benefit from its analysis of the current state and needs of women’s rights activism in Muslim contexts and beyond.

At the PoA, networkers will identify:
  • Critical issues facing themselves as women’s rights activists;
  • Activist needs that can be met through networking via WLUML and through collective WLUML projects;
  • Strategies through which WLUML, as a cross-boundary network, can address these critical needs;
  • The organisational structure most suited to meeting these needs.
The PoA Meeting is being coordinated by GREFELS (Groupe de recherche sur les femmes et les lois au Senegal) and the WLUML PoA Coordination Committee (a small group of WLUML International Coordination Office staff and Programme Implementation Council members).

This is the largest-ever WLUML PoA meeting and the first time we will be offering simultaneous French translation, ensuring effective participation by francophone West African and Middle East/North African participants (those from Arabic-speaking contexts are sufficiently proficient in French or English that we shall not require Arabic translation).

Participants have been selected for their active networking links with WLUML, their ability to contribute to analytical debates, and their active engagement in women’s rights activism on the ground. The PoA format is designed to develop a collective analysis through plenary and working group discussions.

A round of regional pre-PoA meetings took place earlier this year in order to include the analysis of as many active networkers as possible Further news regarding WLUML activities is carried in our bi-annual Newsletter which is available online in English, French and Arabic.