[violence] honour crimes

South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP) in collaboration with Women Workers Help Line, Kashf Foundation and Shirkat Gah organised a walk in solidarity with the women rights activists outside Lahore Press Club on Monday. 

The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation welcomes the news that the remaining two suspects in the Banaz Mahmod murder trial, Mohammed Ali and Omar Hussain, have been found guilty at the Old Bailey today.  Ali was sentenced to a minimum of 22 years and Hussain to 21 years. 

I am pleased to inform you that the protest held in Paris for Sakineh Mohammadi Ashanti on Saturday August, 2010 was a real success. Hundreds of protesters attended the protest at Place du Trocadero, in order to express their full support for Sakineh and their anger against the barbaric practice of stoning. This included various media, organizations, deputies, writers, artists and philosophers.

The lives and hopes of Samar (31) and Juwariya (25) Atique were brutally crushed in October 2009 by two men who threw a jug of acid on their faces as the women were returning home from a day's work in a rickshaw. Their crime - Juwariya had turned down a marriage proposal from one of the men! They sustained severe burns and injuries to their faces, their eyes and their upper bodies. In acid attack cases, the victims should be hosed down gently with a continuous stream of water immediately to stop the acid continuing to burn into their flesh. But they did not get treatment for five hours after the incident because the woman doctor was threatened with a similar attack by these men and their families.

Asma was 13 years old and in eighth grade. She was living with her parents and other siblings in a remote village of marsh land in Bangladesh. She had to walk a mile, cross a river and then walk another mile to attend the high school. She was only girl from her village who was attending high school. Most of the girls of her age were dropt out after completing primary education, getting married and giving birth. She had moved away from home to live with her aunt, who was located much closer to the school because she was under constant harassment on her way to school by a man of 27 years who proposed her a marry. As Asma refused his proposal and failed to push her to accept his offer than he sent his family to Asma’s family with a marriage proposal. The man was uneducated and a “bad boy.” Neither Asma nor her family approved of him. Moreover, Asma’s father told the family, “I want my daughter to continue her studies and I’m not going to marry her off now.” 

A British couple have been murdered in Pakistan in a suspected "honour killing" after calling off their daughter's marriage. A man and his wife from the Alum Rock area of Birmingham, named locally as taxi driver Gul Wazir and wife Bagum, had reportedly visited the country to resolve a dispute over a wedding. 

كانت حملة أوقفوا العنف ضد المرأة أول حملة عالمية طويلة الأجل تقوم بها منظمة العفو الدولية، إذ امتدت ست سنوات إلى عام 2010. وكانت حملة طموحة جداً على صعيد مادتها ولأنها اقتضت إجراء تغييرات جوهرية في طرائق عمل منظمة العفو الدوليةوبالتالي فإن تقرير مراجعة الحملة الذي نتج منها مفصل ومعقد، وهناك ترابط بين العديد من القضايا المهمة المتعلقة بأداء منظمة العفو الدولية وإنجازاتها، ولا يسعى تقرير التجميع هذا إلى إيجاز جميع التفاصيل والتعقيدات أو الإحاطة بها، بل يستهدف إلقاء الضوء على عملية التعلم الهامة ومناقشة القضايا الحرجة التي تواجهها منظمة العفو الدولية في المستقبل فيما يتعلق بحقوق المرأة والحملات العالمية الكبرى على السواء مع تقديم بعض التوصيات ويمكن العثور على التقرير الكامل.

La campagne Halte à la violence contre les femmes (HVCF) a été la première campagne mondiale de longue durée d'Amnesty International. Elle s'est déroulée sur six ans, de 2004 à 2010. C'était une campagne très ambitieuse tant en raison de son thème que des changements importants qu'elle nécessitait dans les méthodes de travail de l'organisation. Son rapport d'évaluation est donc extrêmement détaillé et complexe ; les différents aspects relatifs à la performance et aux résultats d'Amnesty International sont pour la plupart liés entre eux.

The Stop Violence against Women Campaign was Amnesty International's first long-term global thematic campaign. It lasted six years (from 2004 to 2010), was very ambitious in its scope, and required major shifts in Amnesty International's ways of working. We commissioned an external review of the campaign in order to identify key areas of learning and recommendations that can be used to strengthen our future work. Two independent consultants were commissioned to carry out this review, and to provide us with an objective, honest assessment of the campaign.

The killers of 16-year-old Aqsa Pervez were convicted on June 18. Mohammad Pervez and Waqas Ahmed, Aqsa’s father and brother, were sentenced to life in prison by a jury in Ontario, Canada. Aqsa was killed after being picked up by her brother from her school bus stop. She was taken to the family home where she was found dead by the police. DNA material belonging to her brother was found under her fingernails and her father confessed to the murder.

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