In an embarrassing setback for moderates in Afghanistan's U.S.-backed government, authorities have reimposed a ban on women singing on state television just days after it was lifted.
WLUML presents below a brief selection of articles from the new Constitution of Afghanistan, adopted by the Loya Jirga in Kabul on Sunday, 4th January 2004.
Women delegates at Afghanistan's loya jirga, or grand assembly, have accused their male colleagues of trying to leave them out of leadership positions.
Initial review of Afghanistan's Constitution.
Women for Afghan Women said it is "disappointed that Afghanistan's newly released draft constitution is weak in its affirmation of women's rights."
A draft Afghan constitution has been unveiled, setting out a new political system and defining Islam's role in the country.
La communauté internationale n'a pas tenu sa promesse d'apporter la liberté et l'égalité aux femmes afghanes, a déclaré Amnesty International.
Draft Document Charts a Course Between Islamic and Secular Values.
The Afghan Women's Bill of Rights was drafted, signed, and presented to President Hamid Karzai by women leaders from every region of Afghanistan, who participated in the third annual conference of Women for Afghan Women (WAW).
The international community has failed to fulfil its promises to bring freedom and equality to the women of Afghanistan, Amnesty International said in a report released today.
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