TODAY: WLUML participates in the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence campaign via a Twitter teach-in!

Our topic: Can we overcome (or resist) culturally-justfied discrimination against women as a major barrier to education for women and girls?

We have a steady stream of tweets going up, publicising our most relevant resources and stories, and we urge everyone to share, retweet, particpate, ask questions, take part!

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Egyptian WLUML networker, Kholoud El-Sayed has been announced as a speaker at TEDx Suez Canal University's first event, IDEUPHORIA.

Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir annoncer que Aya Chebbi a remporté cette année le prix de l’excellence en leadership remis par l’African Viewpoint Journal. Ce prix lui a été décerné le 19 janvier 2015 et fait partie de l’Africa Youth Award.

L’histoire de comment la chanteuse Sonita Alizadeh a résisté à la pression de la famille de se marier et a voyagé de Téhéran jusqu’à Utah après son talent a été nourrie par les networkers à travers le monde.

How 18 year old Sonita Alizadeh resisted family pressure to marry and travelled from Tehran to Utah after her talent was nurtured by networkers across the world.

C'est notre plus grand plaisir d'annoncer que Mariam Diallo-Drame, Président de l'"Association Femmes Leadership et Développement Durable" (AFLED) du Mali, et WLUML networker, vient de recevoir la médaille du mérite, décernée par le gouvernement.

Dearest friends at Shirkat Gah and other sister organisations in Pakistan,

I am writing on behalf of the Women Living Under Muslim Laws network to express our deep condolences in the wake of yesterday’s attack in Peshawar.  When the news broke, our hearts broke too. 

In the week Malala Yousafzai collects her prize in Oslo, Karima Bennoune writes, "Dear Malala, As you accept the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10, please know how many human rights activists around the world -- especially women -- are grateful to you ..."

Birth registration can play a crucial role in reducing child marriage, but this depends on enforcing existing laws and having comprehensive systems in place to register major life events, including deaths, marriages, adoptions and births. A ministerial conference of Asia-Pacific countries confronted this issue last November.

In this TEDx talk, Afghan women's rights activist and WLUML networker Noorjahan Akbar shares her personal journey for getting an education and the impact that education has on empowering women around the world and in Afghanistan.

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