Sister Organisation Publications

This report examines Singaporean laws and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: reform of Muslim family law to guarantee equality for Muslim women, male-only positions under AMLA, women’s equal capacity to enter into marriage, child and early marriage, polygamy and divorce rights.

A newsheet round-up of news and analysis relevant to Shirkat Gah's work. 

Please download the pdf to view the Newsheet.

File 2904مــــقدمـــــة:
ملتقى سوريات يصنعن السلام منظمة مدنية تهدف الى تمكين دور المرأة في صناعة السلام والضغط على الرأي العام العالمي والسوري لضمان تبني السلام من قبل صنّاع القرار. بدعوة من هيفوس شريك الكرامة في مبادرة هي الأولى من نوعها عقد بحضور أكثر من أربعين امرأة سورية من مختلف أطياف المجتمع السوري مؤتمراً في القاهرة تحت عنوان "سوريات يصنعن السلام".

أهـداف الملتقى:

عشرون عاما على مؤتمر القاهرة الدولي للسكان والتنمية:
حالة الحقوق والصحة الإنجابية والجنسية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

The following submission, is presented to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the occasion of the 26th session of the Human Rights Council, and provides a brief summary of violations of rights of girl children in the Islamic republic of Iran as a result of laws that permit and indeed condone the practice of early marriage in that country.

Forced marriages result from harmful traditional practices1 justified in the name of cultural, economic, political and/or legal standards. Forced marriages are a phenomenon tantamount to slavery, as explicated in a report by a United Nations Special Rapporteur, and often affect boys and girls under 18 years of age, especially under 10. 2 Global statistics demonstrate that every minute an average of 27 girls are forced into marriage.

AWID and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition reviewed a broad range of urgent responses available to women human rights defenders Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) at risk around the world. This report describes the types of resources and strategies available to respond to urgent situations of violence against WHRDs as well as some of the organizations that offer them.

Au Sénégal, les femmes et les fillettes en situation de handicap sont, tous les jours, confrontées à des violences physiques et sexuelles (sévices physiques, viols, mariages précoces et forcés, rejet ou viol par le conjoint,…) et des abus psychologiques (préjugés, mépris, insultes, rejet,…). Leur handicap les expose quotidiennement à des préjugés culturels qui prennent diverses formes, tout au long de leur vie. 

Cette étude par Shaina Greiff porte sur les violences culturellement justifiées à l‟encontre des femmes, la manière dont la "culture" est utilisée pour justifier ces violences et les différentes formes qu‟elles peuvent revêtir. Des recommandations pour que les choses changent sont également formulées dans cette étude. Les enquêtes sur la „culture‟, les femmes et la violence ont été menées dans le cadre de la campagne mondiale « Arrêtons de tuer et de lapider les femmes » (ATLF), avec des partenaires au Sénégal, en Afghanistan, au Nigéria, au Pakistan, en Indonésie, en Iran et au Soudan. 

لَقِّم المحتوى