Dossier 4

Publication Author: 
August/September 1988
number of pages: 
Cover image

In the last several months we have been attempting to put most of our documentation and the materials for Dossiers on a computerized documentation system. In the coming future we will make available bibliographical indexes from our documentation, allowing people to send us requests on what they may need. It is hoped that in future copies of the dossier may be available directly on floppy disks or diskettes (more on that later). Please help us by sending us good copies of documents, reports, bulletins from your organisations etc. We need your support to develop our documentation.

Given the bulky nature of the dossier, not a large number are produced. We would therefore request you to circulate your copy.

We would like to make clear that the information contained in the Dossiers does not necessarily represent the views, positions, or a particular stance of the compilers or of the network Women Living Under Muslim Laws, unless stated. The Dossiers are meant to make accessible the broadest possible strands of opinion emerging from or existing within varied movements and initiatives, engaged in efforts to defend and work for greater autonomy of women living in Muslim context. The Dossier seeks to inform and help share different experiences, strategies and interpretations.

We would welcome your support in the form of documents, campaign materials, bibliographical information, letters and ideas.