Saudi Arabia

Rania al-Baz's popularity as a TV news presenter was always an implicit threat to Saudi Arabia's repressive, male-dominated culture but it wasn't until her husband beat her, and she published the photos of her injuries, that she shook Saudi society.
Mohamed al-Zulfa was a little-known member of the majlis al-shura (consultative council). A few months ago he became a celebrity when he turned a discussion about a new traffic law into a national debate about the right of women to drive cars.
Le puissant ministre saoudien de l'Intérieur, le prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz, a sévèrement critiqué ceux de ses concitoyens favorables à la levée de l'interdiction de conduire faite aux femmes du royaume.
Saudi Arabia's appointed consultative council has shelved a proposal by one of its members to lift the ban on women's driving in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom.
Our religious education is completely sectarian and one-sided, stressing only one point of view. Article by Raid Qusti.
Sentences imposed for alleged homosexual conduct violate basic rights.
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