Saudi Arabia

200 Religious Leaders to Attend Madrid Interfaith Conference
L'Arabie Saoudite organise à partir de mercredi et pour trois jours à Madrid une conférence internationale pour promouvoir le dialogue entre les religions avec une session inaugurale présidée par le roi Abdallah, ont annoncé lundi les organisateurs.
Saudi children born to non-Saudi mothers abroad are facing an "identity crisis," as they are unable to obtain the required documents to ensure their eligibility for Saudi nationality.
"Some say it's a sanctuary for business women. Others see it as another sign of gender segregation in a male-dominated society."
A 23 year old woman, forced to marry at ten in Saudi Arabia, was ordered to pay the equivalent of 16,750 euros to obtain a divorce from her husband, according to Saudi daily al-Watan.
Sur la situation dégradante des droits humains des femmes en Arabie saoudite.
Saudi Arabia's male guardianship of women and policies of sex segregation stop women from enjoying their basic rights, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
"Zahed, who prays regularly and wears a head scarf even when outside Saudi Arabia, said that nothing in Islam bans women from sports. "Our society just has to get used to it," she said."
On March 17, 2008, reported that the Saudi Shura Council has recommended allowing women to drive.
"A controversy erupted this week in Saudi Arabia when some scholars suggested that the top religious organization in the Kingdom, the Supreme Council of Scholars, should include women."
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