[violence] honour crimes

Deux femmes accusées de se livrer à la prostitution ont été décapitées, a annoncé vendredi un membre des forces de sécurité pakistanaises sous le couvert de l’anonymat.
Suspected Islamic militants in north-western Pakistan have beheaded two women they accused of being prostitutes, police say.
After a Pakistani woman was slain by relatives in Italy, an immigrant women's advocacy group moved into action to make the murder the last "honor killing" in Italy and also deflect anti-Muslim sentiment stirred by the crime.
Women Action Forum (WAF) and Joint Action Committee (JAC) Karachi have organized a number of demonstrations and press conferences to draw government’s attention towards the issue of the ordeal faced by Ms. Nasima Labano, who was abducted, raped and forced to parade naked in January 2007.
Jafar Kiani was stoned to death in Iran on 5 July...this could soon happen to his partner, Mokarrameh Ebrahimi, unless action is taken now.
The Middle East Centre for Women's Rights is a registered UK charity which aims to expose and eliminate all forms of violations of women’s rights within the Middle Eastern communities in the UK and in Middle Eastern countries.
The stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and her partner is scheduled to be carried out in public in the city of Takistan, Ghazvin, at 9:00 am on Thursday, June 21, for committing adultery and having a child out of wedlock.
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