[violence] honour crimes

Hamas has mounted a desperate damage-limitation exercise after one of its units shot dead a 20-year-old Palestinian woman for "immoral behaviour" as she enjoyed a day out with her future husband.
L'assassinat, dans une banlieue de Berlin, d'une jeune femme d'origine turque qui avait rompu avec les traditions familiales, après un mariage forcé, provoque une vague d'émotion et relance le débat sur l'intégration des minorités musulmanes.
Predominantly male protesters carried banners pledging to stop acid throwing. The men, and some acid victims also present at the rally, called for greater government efforts to stop the practice.
The Pakistan government has allied with Islamists to reject a bill which sought to strengthen the law against the practice of "honour killing".
Pakistan's only woman cabinet minister says she accepts that a bill tightening legislation against so-called honour killings does not go far enough.
Delegates from around the world are meeting in Sweden to explore ways of combating so-called "honour killings".
Police are going through hundreds of files on missing people and suicides to look for signs of "honour crimes".
In the UK alone, 117 murders are being investigated as 'honour killings'. But over-sensitivity to cultural differences means that many victims are denied the justice that they deserve.
Communiqué de l'Union des Familles Laïques et de la Coordination Féministe et Laïque (CFL)
The UN General Assembly Third Committee resolution titled Working Towards Elimination of Crimes Committed Against Women and Girls in the Name of Honour is adopted this year again at the 59th Session in New York City.
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