[state] women’s political participation

Crown Prince Sultan yesterday announced plans to allocate one third of government jobs to Saudi women and to create additional job opportunities for them.
"Address to His Majesty, King of Bahrain, concerning failures of the Supreme Council for Women."
Censure of Malalai Joya sets back human rights and the democratic process.
Bahraini activist Ghada Jamsheer's speech delivered to the British House of Lords (December 2006)
Thirty-one women chosen among members of the administrative bar and government lawyers.
Dr. Nadje Al-Ali assesses the current situation of women in Iraq
Cairo: Egypt’s top cleric declared yesterday that Islam does not bar women from becoming heads of state, denying press reports that had earlier attributed to him the opposite position.
This meeting will be pushing for a transformative look at democracy that questions the role of women in political systems including the political parties/coalitions dominating the Kenyan scene; and democracy at the personal and interpersonal level.
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