
For many years now, we have witnessed the rise of more and more Islamist groups who claim for themselves the exclusive monopoly over the form and content of Islam itself.
One of the more important outcomes to the Inter-Faith Commission conference (IFC) and the Jan 20 Jawi (Federal Territory Religious Department) raid is the rise of civil society voices.
The second part of Malaysia’s home-grown Taliban: is this the future of ‘moderate’ Islam in Malaysia?
Is this the future of 'Moderate' Islam in Asia? (Part One) by Farish A. Noor
WLUML networker Zainah Anwar says, "Umno and Pas are engaged in a holier-than-thou battle."
Patriarchal societies most often consider feminism to be a rebellious break away from culture and religious traditions.
Sisters in Islam (SIS) began in a living room with a group of women who got together to study the Quran because they were concerned about the oppression women faced in the name of Islam.
A report on the major defeat of the Islamist party PAS in Malaysia's recent elections.
Women Monitoring Election Candidates (WoMEC).
Le gouvernement d’un Etat du nord de la Malaisie a imposé le port de tenues islamiques au travail à toutes les femmes. Même les non-musulmanes doivent s’y conformer.
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