[state] state, gender, identity

Women’s rights activists in the Kingdom are eagerly anticipating the establishment of Ansar Al-Marah — the first civil society dedicated to supporting women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.
Une piscine municiple de Göteborg s’est rendue coupable de discrimination envers deux musulmanes lorsque des maîtres-nageurs leur ont demandé d’ôter leur voile et de changer les vêtements qui couvraient leur corps, a jugé mardi une Cour d’appel suédoise.
Les imams ont demandé l'interdiction et le retrait de la vente, d'un roman portant le titre "la faim a d'autres visages" de Wafa Al Bouissi.
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has pardoned a female rape victim who had been sentenced to 200 lashes for being alone with a man at the time of the attack who was not related to her. Saudi Justice Minister Abdullah bin Muhammed al-Sheik told al-Jazirah newspaper that the pardon does not mean the king doubted the country's judges, but instead acted in the ''interests of the people.''
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions' new publication: "In Search of Equality: A survey of Law and Practice related to Women's Inheritance Rights in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region" available for download.
"Je crois que l’objectif final est de mettre en place le cadre pour une seconde Nakba. Autrement, à quoi servirait de pousser sans arrêt les Palestiniens à la violence?"
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