[state] state, gender, identity

The government in Nagorny Karabakh is giving incentives to encourage couples to get married and have children.
"Some say it's a sanctuary for business women. Others see it as another sign of gender segregation in a male-dominated society."
Sur la situation dégradante des droits humains des femmes en Arabie saoudite.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown writes, "Like everyone, we are creatures of many parts. But we are not allowed such complexities."
La difficulté des architectes algériens à émerger.
Khadijeh Moghaddam, membre du Comité des Mères de la campagne ‘Un Million de Signatures’ et membre des Mères pour la Paix, a été libéré dans l'après-midi du mercredi 16 avril après avoir passé neuf jours en détention.
Pascale Warda, an Assyrian Chaldean Christian, knows what it feels like to be in a minority community and a woman in Iraq. As an activist it is precisely these causes that are important to her. Excerpts from a conversation.
Rizana Nafeek, a Sri Lankan maid, was sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia in 2007. Her case is still pending.
"The economic situation has probably hit women hardest, " says a YWCA of Zimbabwe spokesperson.
L’interdiction de la diffusion du film Persepolis révèle l’ampleur de l’influence iranienne.
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