[state] state, gender, identity

An Agenda journal to document the papers and proceedings of the Gender, Culture and Rights workshop held in Gauteng, 1-3 February 2005.
A paper on gender rights within the framework of traditional or group cultural norms and rights by WLUML networker Rashida Manjoo, for the Agenda Special Focus: Gender, Culture and Rights.
Women human rights activists have protested in Pakistan's north-western city of Peshawar against a ban on female local election candidates.
In April 2005, a 2-day forum took place in Bishkek to perform an expert social assessment of the problems of, and possibilities for, the participation of women-activists and women’s organizations in the process of stabilization in Kyrgyzstan.
When Iraq's parliament approved 32 cabinet ministers to form that country's new government last week, six of these top-ranking bureaucrats were women.
Selon un rapport d’actualité datant du 27 juin 2005 publié dans le Gulf Daily News, la Haute cour pénale aurait décrété illégales les actions du ministère public qui poursuivirent la militante en justice en 2005, longtemps après la date à laquelle ce cas aurait dû être plaidoyé.
"Une femme est installée aux premiers rangs", se réjouit le quotidien koweïtien Al-Raï Al-Aam.
Afghanistan's former women's minister is settling into her new job as the country's first female governor.
Femmes sous lois musulmanes (WLUML) a reçu une requête urgente du Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) qui demande de soutenir la militante des droits des femmes Ghada Jamsheer.
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