[state] state, gender, identity

The Ajoka Theatre company staged a satirical play, "Burqavaganza", in Lahore earlier this month using the image of the burqa as a metaphor for the double standards which exist in contemporary Pakistani society. Following protests from Islamist politicians, the play has now been banned.
Italy’s interior ministry has published a “values charter” for religious minorities that promotes integration while shunning polygamy and the wearing of face-concealing veils.
At a recent forum looking at the role of Saudi women in the year 2020, the discussions were candid, the potential was exciting and the reality often disturbing.
Le Canada fête le 25e anniversaire de sa charte des droits, un texte phare qui a ouvert la voie à l'avortement et au mariage gay, mais aussi à la reconnaissance d'une pléthore de droits religieux en raison de l'immigration récente en pleine ascension.
In an apparent anti-vice crackdown, Islamist students took the law into their own hands and abducted an alleged brothel owner along with her daughter, daughter-in-law and infant granddaughter.
Since the late 1980s, Israel and Syria have allowed a small number of Golan Druze to cross the frontier on religious pilgrimages or to study. Women can also cross in both directions to get married - but they cannot cross back.
La presse féminine marocaine est en plein essor.
Women have been special targets of communalist ideology and communalist violence.
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