[fund] persecution of opposition

In Belgium Sadaawi learned that Al Azhar University, Sunni Islam's premier institution, is filing suit against her for the play "God Resigns at the Summit Meeting" on the grounds that it insults Islam.
Cinq des plus influents imams d’Australie, au discours jugé trop radical, seront désormais réduits au silence.
Amnesty International today called for the immediate and unconditional release of over 30 women activists who were arrested on Sunday, 4 March while staging a peaceful demonstration in Tehran.
33 women activists were arrested in front of the Revolutionary Court on Saturday March 3, 2007.
Dozens of the women's rights movement activists were arrested in front of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran.
The Association Féminine pour l’Epanouissement de la Personne et l’Exercice de la Citoyenneté (AFEPEC) has campaigned for women's rights for over 20 years. On 6 Feb. AFEPEC was ordered to leave the premises they have occupied since 2003.
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