[fund] persecution of opposition

Prominent women’s rights activist Khadijeh Moghadam, who has been in detention since 26 March 2009, was released from Tehran’s Evin Prison on bail on 8 April, at 8:15 pm, local time.
Ten of the twelve women’s rights activists detained last week as they were planning private New Year visits have been released on bail. Two of them however, Khadijeh Moghadam and Mahboubeh Karami, remain in Evin prison.
Ten of those arrested are members of the One Million Signatures Campaign. The activists were arrested on 26 March 2009, on Sohrevardi Avenue in Tehran, while meeting up to go for New Years visits of families of imprisoned social and political activists.
Women's Learning Partnership is pleased to share that Tolekan Ismailova was released after a local tribunal found she had not violated laws of public assembly.
Tolekan Ismailova, Director of WLP Kyrgyzstan/Human Rights Center "Citizens Against Corruption" was among at least four people who were detained in Bishkek on March 18.
The seven defendants, five men and two women, stand accused of “espionage for Israel, insulting religious sanctities and propaganda against the Islamic republic”.
La plus grande minorité religieuse d'Iran est stigmatisée d'hérétique par les autorités islamiques.
Front Line est profondément préoccupée suite aux accusations infondées qui auraient été proférées contre Leyla Yunus par le Ministre azerbaïdjanais de l’Intérieur, Ramil Usubov.
Repression like this breeds resistance in Iran and is gaining recognition around the world.
Women’s Rights Groups Issue Announcement Concerning the Sentencing of Alieh Eghdomdust:
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